Monday, November 20, 2006

Cowie is sad

Cowie is sad. Cos my good friend is sad.
His nick says "i think i've lost my way in life when everything suddenly seemed not to be the way i thought they are..."
Asked him what's wrong. "i dun feel like talking about it now.."
Later during lunch saw him in the room alone. Went in and he started to cry.
Cowie is sad cos Cowie dunno wat to do.
All she could do is to sit by his side and be there with him.
Cowie asked him to go chill out tomorrow nite.
"it's ok... "
After 15 minutes, cowie decides to leave him to his thoughts.
"I'm here if you need me" and gave him a reassuring squeeze on his right shoulder.

Cowie is sad cos tonight going visit another friend whose dad passed away late last night. Cowie wants to be with both friends at same time but she cannot.

Cowie is sad. (>_<)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Cancer is a Scary Thing

"My dad passed away liao." was the msg that came in from a friend 5 minutes ago.
I was stunned. Quickly dialled her mobile and asked her where she is.
"I'm at the police station,"
"Huh? How come at police station??"
"When people pass away must come police station make report....." her voice sounded nasal and croaky.
"Ok... sorry i didn't know. Where did he pass away? At home?"
"No.. at hospice. Actually quite long already. His tumor grew bigger and transferred to hospice.. Just that I didn't tell you all about it cos I was feeling very luan and dunno what to do."
"When he pass away?"
"9 plus..."
"..... Are you alone now?"
"No.. my cousin and a friend's with me.."
"Ok.. When's the funeral? Tomorrow?"
"Ya at my house downstairs.."
"Ok.. I'll drop by tomorrow with Des.."
"If you all busy it's ok no need to.. just tell you all only.."
"No la! Must go.. don't be crazy."
And we hung up thereafter.

Cancer is a scary thing. Just last week I got news that another friend's uncle was diagnosed with cancer... Sighs.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Interesting how weddings get me all mushed up and teary-eyed. Even a simple phototaking made me so touched..... Was at "Eternal Creation" studio for 1st half of yesterday. It's my dearie nana's wedding phototaking. Then packed up at 3plus to outdoors for more shooting.

It's just so.... overwhelming you know? For want of a better word. When you see your good sister, someone you've known since young, who fought over a good number of toys with you before we learnt how to walk, having found love.... It's just so............ *loss of words*. I dunno why but I just felt so happy, so relieved, and so touched when I saw them sharing a kiss for some shots. Especially towards the end when they've warmed up to the photographer. It's as though Time had stood still and I could feel their love for each other. It's just such an "aawwwww" kinda moment, know what I mean??

Guess I felt a huge sigh of relief too. Cos I know she's been through some real shit. And now finally someone who knows how to cherish, love and honor her, and accepts her past, her present and is creating a future with her....... I just feel SOOO happy. Aside: hope I don't choke and tear next year when I'm emceeing at their wedding. That'll be so maluating!!!!

I'm happy :)


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

FLOWERY surprise

I've got flowers from my baby!!!!!
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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Give to receive

Hmm. It's raining outside now and I'm sipping hot chocolate from Starbucks at my desk.
Rey sprang that surprise on me 20min ago :)

Suddenly an epiphany struck. It DOES pay to give eh? I've been nice; helping him with things now and then on the rare occasion. And now i get a Starbucks hot chocolate outta nowhere! Hee.

It does pay to give (n_n)v

My Starbucks in its full glory.
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