Friday, September 10, 2010

The Importance of Balance

Just got news that a couple has broken up. Both are friends of me and Des... and both have been together for a very, very long time. It's one of those awful things that you dread hearing, especially when you know both of them. It's all the more awful when it was the passive one who initiated the break-up... not the one who's wearing the pants.

Dar said it's for the better. He brought up the importance of balance in any relationship.. and in their case, the relationship isn't balanced. It should be both parties taking turns to don the pants; and not one person wearing it all the time. I guess over time, the one wearing pants will tend to neglect or step all over the milder one. The essence of "Respect" is thus eroded over time, especially respect for the one not wearing the pants. It could also end up that the milder one will end up giving and giving.... until the day there's no more left of him/her to give...and the only way is out. Either way it's not healthy.

Just hope for the best for the two of them... and for them to take this as a learning experience and grow wiser as a result. Things always get better with time.


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