Tue Talk

Was out with them two. Did soulbaring over some drinks. It's been sometime since I mentioned "death", "panadol" and a thousand other things that happened...
Really caught myself by surprise this time cos the recollection was so easy. Even emotions I felt that time stayed fresh...
My mood was affected thereafter. Just very overwhelmed by the memories. All those flashbacks reminded me of how long a journey it's been. Weariness suddenly takes over and I felt momentarily stumped. Just dunno how to react at all...
Reached home and Des text me asking if there's anything more I wanna say. I thought I had said it all? No, you were more relating what happened. you didn't talk about how you feel.
It took me 10 minutes to think what to reply. In essence, it was about:
- People who truly loved me leaving me
- Drix's words about loving myself more and taking care of myself more. It got me thinking: 6 years already.. have I been taking good care of myself as I should?
- And lastly, so much has happened. Have I matured from those incidents, or am I still very much the same?
Des was encouraging, and I'm very thankful for that.. He reminded me of "being truthful to oneself is vry vry hard bt not impossible" and to have faith "dat u will be loved again". Also told him some misgivings I had, which really sorted things out.
We went to sleep at 1230, with him reminding me (yet again) that "the future lies in de full acceptance of one's CHARACTER.. dis den will der be happiness ;)"
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