
Just got home. Pretty unusual for someone who spends Sat nights and Sun mornings on movies/pool/crap/supper.
BTW this entry's gonna be a bit lohsoh. But hey!!! It's my first office move so better write everything down to preserve the memories. Bear with me eh?
Office move yesterday
Anyways. Yesh 'unusual' is DEE word. We officially moved office yesterday. Servers and comps were shut down at 10am sharp, and the madcap-11th-hour packing begins. Tiring? Bet my fat ass on it. Bought the applications fellas coffee and told Mike to get them lunch.. Least help I could offer.
Had lunch at like 4. "Lunner"'s more apt (late lunch + early dinner). Unpacked, unpacked, unpacked AND unpacked till 8. Whole pack of us went smoking in between. Even those who seldom smoke also went along. Fatigue bah....
Balik kampong at 8. Dinner at 8plus 9... Des wanted supper but I wanted movies. Ice Age 2 is GOOD!!!! Laughed till my tummy ached at some parts. Crashed at 0230.
Office move today
THe usual suspects: Marketing, CS gals, sales guys, and technical blokes. Time of mischief: 0900. Crime scene: J8 mac's. Ha no lah, just tryin to pull a CSI off.
Adjourned to new office after makan. SUPER tiring................... All I can say is I was on my feet the whole of 10 hours on and off today. And THAT doesn't include the 40min walk I took to J8 this morning.
Tomorrow goin Ikea early in the morn. Needa get deco items for the plain (read: boring) office. ST Electronics's CEO is coming on Monday for official opening wei.. Must make everything swee swee for him else super lau kwee.
Oh yeaa and desk stationery for the sales fellas. Wonder how late I'll stay this time. Hmm..
Verdict: Office moving IS the most laborious thing I've ever done. ZZZZzzzzz..
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