Apologies to my pals for disappearance acts again. Just happened to be bombarded endless by work and illnesses since returning from Bangkok.
Yes, the old stomach flu fogey's back with a vengence. This time it's really out for blood man. Woke up yesterday vomitting biggie time. What a way to start a morning. Wed's lunch and dinner all came out at one go. Then bedridden whole day, too weak to talk even. Funny that I was perfectly fine in BKK! Despite eating loads of fiery stuff and drinking bazallons of red label. Really miss the pig-leg-rice at the roadside stall next to our hotel. S$1 for an uber satisfying meal. MMMmm mmmm... beats restaurant fare anytime. I'm a simple woman.
Home today.. Doc ordered two days mc for me. Last evening at the clinic,
"With your face as green as that, you're definitely going on a two days' MC. No buts." I bit my tongue and nodded.
Just now went through BKK photos taken with my mobile. Now I REALLY need a digicam. Realised that not many of those who have digicams have the sense to take interesting pictures. For e.g. humorous roadsigns or shop signs. Typical example as follows:
Out for dinner on first night. Went Siam Square area. A neon signboard outside Hard Rock's Cafe got me all excited,
"No nuclear weapons nor underaged allowed", it read.
"Quick! Gimme the cam!!"
The rest of the gang gave me deadpan looks. Where's your humor, people?? Took the picture nonetheless. For the rest of the trip, the digicam is either 1. Collecting dust at the hotel, 2. Collecting dust in someone's pouch, 3. A silent victim of Outta-sight-Outta-Mind.
What a waste, what a waste...
So I decided to use my own mobile instead. Paiseh also to keep borrowing from her. Some interesting pics as follow:
1. Taken at MBK on Sat 21/01 afternoon. Sat night is the big night of soccer as BKK's top two high schools battle it out for the championship title. Fans all out in full force in the afternoon to show support to their alma mater.

2. Drix and Des checking out the action below.

3. Me and my bovine madness..... Taken at Siam Square on our last day. Didn't get to savour the food though. Next time :)

4. Kate's got a shop in BKK??? You bitch! Didn't tell me about it...

5. Spotted at BKK airport's departure lounge while waiting for Karen. Des and I just had to snap this down... "SIMILAN" alcohol. Hahahahha
Yes, the old stomach flu fogey's back with a vengence. This time it's really out for blood man. Woke up yesterday vomitting biggie time. What a way to start a morning. Wed's lunch and dinner all came out at one go. Then bedridden whole day, too weak to talk even. Funny that I was perfectly fine in BKK! Despite eating loads of fiery stuff and drinking bazallons of red label. Really miss the pig-leg-rice at the roadside stall next to our hotel. S$1 for an uber satisfying meal. MMMmm mmmm... beats restaurant fare anytime. I'm a simple woman.
Home today.. Doc ordered two days mc for me. Last evening at the clinic,
"With your face as green as that, you're definitely going on a two days' MC. No buts." I bit my tongue and nodded.
Just now went through BKK photos taken with my mobile. Now I REALLY need a digicam. Realised that not many of those who have digicams have the sense to take interesting pictures. For e.g. humorous roadsigns or shop signs. Typical example as follows:
Out for dinner on first night. Went Siam Square area. A neon signboard outside Hard Rock's Cafe got me all excited,
"No nuclear weapons nor underaged allowed", it read.
"Quick! Gimme the cam!!"
The rest of the gang gave me deadpan looks. Where's your humor, people?? Took the picture nonetheless. For the rest of the trip, the digicam is either 1. Collecting dust at the hotel, 2. Collecting dust in someone's pouch, 3. A silent victim of Outta-sight-Outta-Mind.
What a waste, what a waste...
So I decided to use my own mobile instead. Paiseh also to keep borrowing from her. Some interesting pics as follow:
1. Taken at MBK on Sat 21/01 afternoon. Sat night is the big night of soccer as BKK's top two high schools battle it out for the championship title. Fans all out in full force in the afternoon to show support to their alma mater.

2. Drix and Des checking out the action below.

3. Me and my bovine madness..... Taken at Siam Square on our last day. Didn't get to savour the food though. Next time :)

4. Kate's got a shop in BKK??? You bitch! Didn't tell me about it...

5. Spotted at BKK airport's departure lounge while waiting for Karen. Des and I just had to snap this down... "SIMILAN" alcohol. Hahahahha

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