It's a Small World after all

Just finished a marathon-laughathon-bitchathon with my bestest buddy of all times, Danzzzz. A.k.a. DL. A.k.a. Wormie. A.k.a. Single Zero (translated from her cina name, dan1 lin2). Hahaha please don't kill me babe...
ANYWAYS she was telling me about her cousin's wedding last night. Quite grand blah blah n blah.
Something just went *DING* and I asked if the groom's name is Junyao.
OMIGOD bingo!!! How didya noe??
ahhaahhahahaa wahlauuu!!!!! he's my friend's friend!!! n i almost was at the dinner!!!
haiya wasted!! else we'd have spent the night gossiping.... wahahhahah
YALAH! wahlauuuu what a freakin small world siah...
1 hour passed.... and we're still at it. What can I say? It's not everyday that you and your buddy realize you've some 'marriagey' links between you two ya noe??? And she commented there was a table of really rowdy boys at the dinner.... I wouldn't be surprised if des and ed were part of the mutiny. LOL
I won't publish here the contents of our conversation. It's for thy eyes only (n_n)V
HELLO!! They don't call it "Gals' Talk" for nothing... hee~.
>> Choice of song: Corcovado
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